Tuesday 12 June 2007

My New Blog 2: The Sequel!!!

It's been over a week since I started this new blog, and I haven't put up any more posts since. The main reason being I haven't actually done that much worth posting about. I've had a few hours at Smiths, and started unpacking all my uni stuff, but I'm guessing that not many people would consider that very interesting.

I watched A Scanner Darkly which I kind of understood but didn't really like, Pi which I didn't understand but found really fascinating, and When Harry Met Sally which I didn't understand why I particularly wanted to watch it, but enjoyed it anyway. It's pretty much the only non-British Rom Com I can actually sit through, but that's mainly just because Billy Crystal is a genius in that film. He improvised the whole thing about the pecan pie (and the woman who says the line "I'll have what she's having", is actually the director's mum as well).

I have also been trying to film some of the birds we get in our garden, but its not going that well. They very rarely seem to stay in a place that the camera has an un-obscured view of, and even if they do, they fly away before I can press the record button.

Hopefully this time next week I might have actualy done something blogworthy, and if I'm lucky I should have enough bird footage to edit something together. But we'll see how it goes.

And reading the last page of a book first doesn't sound like a bad idea . . .

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Well there's plenty to do in the garden and the allotment if you are bored :-)