Monday 4 June 2007

My new blog!!

As a university Graduand, I have come to that point in my life where I don't really know what to do. I have just come back from studying a bachelors degree in Film and Television Studies at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth which I enjoyed immensely, but I am not entirely sure what to do next. I am aiming to have a job in the TV or film industry, but have no idea doing what. Ultimately I would like to work on my own projects, but that is a long way down the road. My current plans are learning to drive and working back at my local WH Smith, but I still need to find something to fill that gap.

And so what else is there to do, other than start a blog????

My mum and two of my friends in Canada all have blogs that they have been working on for some time, and so I thought what the hell, why don't I get one as well. Unlike Deb, Kate and Mum (Christine to everyone else, but as she has to put me up for the next who knows how long, 'Mum' is the least I can do) my interests don't tend to include gardening, cookery, Paris or anything that can generally be described as 'cute', so I think it fair to say that my blog might be rather different to theirs. As you may have guessed, my main interest is film and television, and generally anything on a screen.

There may be many people that would assume that means I am nothing more than a lazy slob, and for some part you are indeed right. But to me films are much more than mindless entertainment. When most people think of films, they probably think of the latest Hollywood blockbusters starring big name celebrities and featuring nothing but explosion after explosion, which is fine up to a point. But they can also be much more than that. I sit and down to watch a film just like others curl up to read a book. I like watching them for the stories that I can get caught up in, stories that make me think, laugh and if I was able to, cry. If a picture paints a thousand words, then film paints twenty-four thousand every second. Not all films live up to this potantial, but when they do the results can be fantastic.

The last few times I have been to the cinema I have been rather dissapointed. Spider-Man 3 had been hyped up so much prior to its release, but in the end was a really dissapointing film. Something like Inside I'm Dancing on the other hand is a film I had never heard of before seeing it on a shop shelf, but decided to watch anyway, and is one of those rare films that is perfect in almost every way.

I'm guessing this blog will be a mixture of films I have seen, and my progress on my way to making my own, so you're welcome to come back and see how I get on and/or have a go at me for my outrageous opinions that I am bound to share from time to time.

Be seeing you!


The French Nest said...

Congratulations on starting your first blog, and congratulations on your graduation! Thank you for your 'cute' comment on my blog!

Kate xo

Deb said...

Hi Ian
Congratulations on the first (of many) entries on your new blog. I look forward to visiting.

Chrissie said...

Congratulations on starting your blog :-) What took you so long!